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Writer's pictureMeghan Martin

Community Garden Spotlight of the Month: Mounce Meadows Community Garden- Marshfield, Massachusetts


Mounce Meadows Community Garden

Mounce Meadows, located in an urban environment in Marshfield, MA, offers a green sanctuary amidst the bustling city life. This location serves a diverse and dynamic community, providing a much-needed escape and a place for residents to connect with nature and each other.

The garden is operated by a dedicated team of volunteers. These passionate individuals contribute their time and energy to ensure the garden's smooth operation and ongoing success. This volunteer-based model fosters a strong sense of community ownership and engagement.

Mounce Meadows boasts over 200 plots, accommodating a wide range of gardening enthusiasts. The garden's membership also exceeds 200 individuals, highlighting the popularity and demand for garden spaces in the urban area. This large membership base is a testament to the garden's impact and importance within the community. Mounce Meadows is uniquely situated on conservation land, granted to the Agricultural Commission under the condition that the land is responsibly stewarded. Financial support has been received from the town's Conservation Committee, and the garden actively participates in activities sponsored by the Agricultural Commission. Each year, the garden hosts an "Adopt a Seedling" event, where members grow plants from seeds and share them with the community. A smaller garden with raised beds is also maintained at Coast Guard Hill. Mounce Meadows features plots of 15x20 feet and 10x20 feet, all cultivated using organic methods. A solar electric deer fence protects the garden. Gardeners are encouraged to contribute to garden maintenance by participating in spring and fall workdays. The co-managers shoulder the daily responsibilities and challenges to keep the garden running smoothly, ensuring its success and longevity.

Mounce Meadows provides educational programs to its members, including informal sharing sessions and structured educational programs offered by the local farmers' market. These initiatives aim to enhance gardening skills, promote sustainable practices, and build a knowledgeable gardening community.

The garden supports local food pantries through a produce donation program, addressing food insecurity within the community and ensuring that surplus produce benefits those in need.

Mounce Meadows also has a composting program. Composting is done at the garden, and the compost produced is used to enrich the soil. This practice not only reduces waste but also enhances the fertility and health of the garden plots, promoting sustainable gardening practices.

The garden has a digital presence through the Marshfield Agricultural Commission. Information and updates are shared via the town's website and Facebook page. Additionally, Mounce Meadows collaborates with the Marshfield Farmers Market to reach a broader audience and promote its activities.


Interested in submitting your garden for a chance to be featured as the Community Garden Spotlight of the Month? Click HERE.

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Danniel Georgia
Danniel Georgia
2 days ago

The Mounce Meadows Community Garden in Marshfield, Massachusetts, is an inspiring example of how shared spaces can bring people together. Community gardens like this not only promote sustainable living but also create opportunities for connection, learning, and growth. They serve as a hub for people of all ages to collaborate, share gardening tips, and foster a sense of belonging.

For those new to gardening, having access to expert assistance from seasoned gardeners within the community can make a significant difference in understanding planting techniques, seasonal care, and sustainable practices. The collective efforts at Mounce Meadows are a testament to the power of teamwork and shared knowledge. Initiatives like this not only beautify neighborhoods but also contribute to environmental conservation. It's…


David Murphy
David Murphy
2 days ago

Имав одлично искуство со платформата и дефинитивно би ја препорачал на секој што бара сигурни и безбедни кладилници. Процесот на депонирање беше едноставен, а одговорите од тимот на поддршка беа брзи и корисни. Платформата нуди различни опции за плаќање, што е многу удобно за сите корисници. Кога станува збор за безбедност, се чувствував сигурно, бидејќи сајтот користи најнови технологии за заштита на личните податоци.

Навистина уживав во моето искуство и нема да двоумам да ја користам повторно. Препорачувам да ја испробате платформата ако барате добри кладилници со лесен пристап и одлични бонуси.


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