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ACGA's 46th Annual Conference Information Page

Growing Greener Generations

Sep 25, 2024, 7:00 PM EST – Sep 28, 2024, 2:00 PM EST

Wellesley, 1 Snyder Dr, Babson Park, MA 02457, USA


Scroll down for the full conference itinerary.


Join us at the 2024 ACGA Annual Conference, the largest North American gathering of community gardening and urban farming enthusiasts! This year's theme, "Growing Greener Generations: Community Gardening for a Sustainable Future," will guide our exciting program from September 25-28 in Wellesley, Boston, and surrounding areas.


The conference kicks off with an opening reception on Wednesday, Sept 25. Then you will engage in workshops on Thursday and Friday, with a special networking extravaganza on Friday night. On Saturday, enjoy tours of local community gardens in the Boston and Wellesley areas.


Suggested Conference Hotels


Note: The conference rate has expired. You can still stay at these hotels, but there is no discounted rate. 



If you would like to book online:



The links auto-populate to a 4-night stay. If you plan to stay 3 nights or less, click Edit Stay in the upper corner of your reservation screen.

Hotel Sitting Area
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 1441 Woodmont Ln NW Suite 1400, Atlanta, GA 30318, USA â€‹ Site Managed By ACGA | * 

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